We have some feedback on the glusterd and bitrot issues.
I am testing out upgrade in CentOS and also doing some performance
regression testing across AFR and EC volumes, results expected by end of
this week.
Request others to post updates to tests done on the issues.
If people are blocked, then please let us know as well.
Just a friendly reminder, we always slip releases due to lack of testing
or testing feedback, let's try not to repeat the same.
Current release date is still 21st Feb 2017
On 02/05/2017 10:00 PM, Shyam wrote:
For the 3.10 release, we are tracking testing feedback per component
using github issues. The list of issues to report testing feedback
against is in [1].
We have assigned each component level task to the noted maintainer to
provide feedback, in case others are taking up the task please assign
the same to yourself.
Currently github allows only issue assignment to members of the gluster
organization, and that is not complete or filled up as expected. So,
request maintainers to mention folks who would be doing the testing in
the issue using @<github username> or the user to assign the task to
Feedback is expected at the earliest to meet the current release date of
21st Feb, 2017.
Once we have the packages built, we would request the users list to help
with the testing as well.
Release team
[1] Link to testing issues: http://bit.ly/2kDCR8M
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