Hey Atin,

I had a look at
The test case passes in my local system with latest master. I also tried
cherry picking some of the patches which failed regression but it passed on
my system.
In the list https://fstat.gluster.org/weeks/1/failure/214 many of the
patches passed this test case in the later phase and are already merged on

For many patches the test case failed for first time and passed when it
tried for second time.
In some cases it failed with EIO while doing "ls" for the file, but the
immediate "cat" on the file passed.
It has some dependency on the cli option to resolve gfid split-brain, which
is under progress.
So as discussed with Ravi, we were planning to mark it as bad at the
moment. Is that fine?


On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 3:33 PM, Atin Mukherjee <amukh...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Refer https://fstat.gluster.org/weeks/1 .  tests/basic/afr/add-brick-
> self-heal.t
> <http://git.gluster.org/cgit/glusterfs.git/tree/tests/basic/afr/add-brick-self-heal.t>
> is the 2nd in the list.
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