
Here are some top reminders for the 3.12 release:

1) When 3.12 is released 3.8 will be EOL'd, hence users are encouraged to prepare for the same as per the calendar posted here.

2) 3.12 is a long term maintenance (LTM) release, and potentially the last in the 3.x line of Gluster!

3) From this release onward, the feature freeze date is moved ~45 days in advance, before the release. Hence, for this one release you will have lesser time to get your features into the release.

Release calendar:

- Feature freeze, or branching date: July 17th, 2017
- All feature post this date need exceptions granted to make it into the 3.12 release

- Release date: August 30th, 2017

Release owners:

- Shyam
- <TBD> Any volunteers?

Features and major changes process in a nutshell:
1) Open a github issue

2) Refer the issue # in the commit messages of all changes against the feature (specs, code, tests, docs, release notes) (refer to the issue as "updates gluster/glusterfs#N" where N is the issue)

3) We will ease out release-notes updates form this release onward. Still thinking how to get that done, but the intention is that a contributor can update release notes before/on/after completion of the feature and not worry about branching dates etc. IOW, you can control when you are done, than the release dates controlling the same for you.

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