This is probably more than we can answer on the mailing lists, but I'm
happy to work with you off-list to get you an answer.
Gluster's dual license under GPLV2 and LGPLV3+ makes this a
complicated question, more so than it seems on the surface.

- amye

On Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 10:42 PM, Ji-Hyeon Gim <> wrote:
> On 2017년 07월 18일 10:41, Taehwa Lee wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I’ve been developing a product using glusterfs within my team.
>> I want to know issues about license when I use glusterfs as product.
>> Q1. What should I do when I use glusterfs which is modified by myself.
> AFAIK, GlusterFS follows GPLv3 license so you should obey that in the
> same manner with including GPLv3 license file copied in order to let it
> be under the GPLv3. and you must open any code which modified according
> to your needs.
>> Q2. I’ve developed a management and monitoring software for gluster
>> and things for cluster system.
>> Should I open this source codes ?
> If your software is placed in same memory area with GlusterFS
> library(Static/Dynamic linkage with them), it is "derived work" be under
> the GPL so you must be open for it. However you will not need to open it
> probably if you just use executable.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> -----------------------------------------
>> Taehwa Lee
>> Gluesys Co.,Ltd.
>> <>
>> +82-10-3420-6114, +82-70-8785-6591
>> -----------------------------------------
> Best regards.
> --
> Ji-Hyeon Gim
> Research Engineer, Gluesys
> Address. Gluesys R&D Center, 5F, 11-31, Simin-daero 327beon-gil,
>          Dongan-gu, Anyang-si,
>          Gyeonggi-do, Korea
>          (14055)
> Phone.   +82-70-8787-1053
> Fax.     +82-31-388-3261
> Mobile.  +82-10-7293-8858
> E-Mail.
> Website.
> The time I wasted today is the tomorrow the dead man was eager to see 
> yesterday.
>   - Sophocles
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