On Thu, Sep 07, 2017 at 12:17:32PM +0530, Atin Mukherjee wrote:
> One basic question (rather clarification) here. If indeed a rebase is
> necessary for a patch which was posted some time back and a regression was
> passed at that time, with this change will a (centos) regression job
> re-triggered and once we have a positive vote then only the patch will be
> in to the repo?

There's two cases here:
* The patch does not have any merge conflicts. In this case, Gerrit will do the
  rebase when you hit the submit button. There's no question of running
  regressions. Note: If the patch doesn't have any merge conflicts, you can
  still do a rebase using Gerrit UI or git command line. This will cause the
  regression votes to be retained, but the smoke jobs will be retriggered.
* The patch has merge conflicts. In this case, you'll have to rebase on the git
  command line locally and push up a fix. In this case, regressions votes are
  not carried over and will be triggered.

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