On 07/17/2018 11:31 AM, Shyam Ranganathan wrote:
> Hi,
> Post release 4.1 we have announced a release version and cadence change
> to the lists [1]. Based on this the next release of Gluster would be "5"
> and is slated during the first week of October, 2018 [2].
> With this release of Gluster (i.e 5), 3.12 will be EOLd and that is the
> last release in the 3.x line for Gluster.
> This mail is to solicit the following,
> Features/enhancements planned for Gluster 5 needs the following from
> contributors:
>   - Open/Use relevant issue
>   - Mark issue with the "Release 5" milestone [3]
>   - Post to the devel lists issue details, requesting addition to track
> the same for the release

Still awaiting features that are to be part of this release, please mark
them appropriately and also notify the lists.

> I will follow this mail up, within a week, with a calendar of activities
> as usual.

Calendar of activities look as follows:

1) master branch health checks (weekly, till branching)
  - Expect every Monday a status update on various tests runs

2) Branching date: (Monday) Aug-20-2018 (~40 days before GA tagging)

3) Late feature back port closure: (Friday) Aug-24-2018 (1 week from

4) Initial release notes readiness: (Monday) Aug-27-2018

5) RC0 build: (Monday) Aug-27-2018

<Testing phase: Performance, on-demand regressions, Glusto(?)>

6) RC1 build: (Monday) Sep-17-2018

<Testing phase: Performance, on-demand regressions, Glusto(?), Upgrades>

7) GA tagging: (Monday) Oct-01-2018

<Final package testing>

8) ~week later release announcement

Go/no-go discussions per-phase will be discussed in the maintainers list.

> Thanks,
> Shyam
> [1] Announce on release cadence and version changes:
> https://lists.gluster.org/pipermail/announce/2018-July/000103.html
> [2] Release schedule: https://www.gluster.org/release-schedule/
> [3] Release milestone: https://github.com/gluster/glusterfs/milestone/7
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