Hello everyone,

We are announcing v1.0RC release of GlusterCS this week!**

The version 1.0 is due along with *glusterfs-6.0* next month. Below are the
Goals for v1.0:

   - RWX PVs - Scale and Performance
   - RWO PVs - Simple, leaner stack with Gluster’s Virtual Block.
   - Thin Arbiter (2 DataCenter Replicate) Support for RWX volume.
      - RWO hosting volume to use Thin Arbiter volume type would be still
      in Alpha.
   - Integrated monitoring.
   - Simple Install / Overall user-experience.

Along with above, we are in Alpha state to support GCS on ARM architecture.
We are also trying to get the website done for GCS @

We are looking for some validation of the GCS containers, and the overall
gluster stack, in your k8s setup.

While we are focusing more on getting stability, and better
user-experience, we are also trying to ship few tech-preview items, for
early preview. The main item on this is loopback based bricks (
https://github.com/gluster/glusterd2/pull/1473), which allows us to bring
more data services on top of Gluster with more options in container world,
specially with backup and recovery.

The above feature also makes better snapshot/clone story for gluster in
containers with reflink support on XFS. *(NOTE: this will be a future

This email is a request for help with regard to testing and feedback on
this new stack, in its alpha release tag. Do let us know if there are any
concerns. We are ready to take anything from ‘This is BS!!’ to ‘Wow! this
looks really simple, works without hassle’

[image: :smile:]

Btw, if you are interested to try / help, few things to note:

   - GCS uses CSI spec v1.0, which is only available from k8s 1.13+
   - We do have weekly meetings on GCS as announced in
   https://lists.gluster.org/pipermail/gluster-devel/2019-January/055774.html -
   Feel free to jump in if interested.
      - ie, Every Thursday, 15:00 UTC.
   - GCS doesn’t have any operator support yet, but for simplicity, you can
   also try using https://github.com/aravindavk/kubectl-gluster
      - Planned to be integrated in later versions.
   - We are not great at creating cool website, help in making GCS homepage
   would be great too :-)

Interested? feel free to jump into Architecture call today.

Gluster Container Storage Team

PS: The meeting minutes, where the release pointers were discussed is @

** - subject to resolving some blockers @

Amar Tumballi (amarts)
Gluster-devel mailing list

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