
As of now whenever a cli command is executed, all the glusterds will try to do the corresponding changes to their respective bricks. It would be better if glusterd can check whether the quorum (useful especially for afr replated operations) has been met, for some volume operations.

One way to handle this is, in the stage phase of the op, when the originator glusterd will broadcast the stage op to all the glusterds, the remaining glusterds will send the information about whether the bricks running in that machine are up or not. The originator glusterd will collect the information sent by other glusterds and will check whether the quorum has been met or not.

This can be used by some features such as snapshots where when snapshot cli command is issued, glusterd will fail the snapshot if quorum is not met.

Please provide the feedback.

Raghavendra Bhat

Gluster-devel mailing list

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