On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 12:13:30AM +0530, Vijay Bellur wrote:
> On 12/12/2013 10:42 AM, James wrote:
> >RE: meeting, sorry I couldn't make it, but I have some comments:
> No problem. It would be really good to have everybody in the
> meeting, but if you cannot comments are definitely welcome :).
> >
> >1) About the pre-packaged VM comment's. I've gotten Vagrant working on
> >Fedora. I'm using this to rapidly spin up and test GlusterFS.
> >https://ttboj.wordpress.com/2013/12/09/vagrant-on-fedora-with-libvirt/
> >In the coming week or so, I'll be publishing the Vagrant file for my
> >GlusterFS setup, but if you really want it now I can send you an early
> >version. This obviously integrates with Puppet-Gluster, but whether
> >you use that or not is optional. I think this is the best way to test
> >GlusterFS. If someone gives me hosting, I could publish "pre-built"
> >images very easily. Let me know what you think.
> Niels - do you have any thoughts here?

I was thinking of using virt-builder[1] which is already part of Fedora.  
Personally I would stick with the Fedora tools, and not use yet 
something else again. However, I'm more than happy if James builds and 
publishes one or more VMs for the test days, of course he is free to use 
whatever tools he likes :-)

The images should be minimal, and I do not expect them to be bigger than 
512MB when compressed. Best would be to host them on the 
download.gluster.org server, at the same location of the packages.


1. http://libguestfs.org/virt-builder.1.html

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