On 02/10/2014 02:00 AM, Paul Cuzner wrote:


I've started a new project on the forge, called gstatus.- wiki page is

The idea is to provide admins with a single command to assess the state
of the components of a cluster - nodes, bricks and volume states -
together with capacity information.

It's the kind of feature that would be great (IMO) as a sub command of
gluster i.e. gluster status - but as a stop gap here's the python
project (we could even use this as a prototype!)

On the wiki page, you'll find some additional volume status definitions
that I've dreamt up - online-degraded, online-partial, to describe the
effect brick down events have on a volume's data availability. There are
output examples on the wiki, but here's some examples to show you what
you currently get from the tool

On my test 4-way cluster, this is what a healthy state looks like

[root@rhs1-1 gstatus]# ./gstatus.py
Analysis complete

Cluster Summary:
Version - Nodes - 4/ 4 Bricks - 4/ 4 Volumes - 1/ 1

Volume Summary
   myvol     ONLINE (4/4 bricks online) - Distributed-Replicate
             Capacity: 64.53 MiB/19.97 GiB (used,total)

Status Messages
Cluster is healthy, all checks successful

And then if I take a *two nodes* down, that provide bricks to the *same
replica set*, I see;

Analysis complete

Cluster Summary:
Version - Nodes - 2/ 4 Bricks - 2/ 4 Volumes - 0/ 1

Volume Summary
myvol   ONLINE_PARTIAL (2/4 bricks online) - Distributed-Replicate
         Capacity: 32.27 MiB/9.99 GiB (used,total)

Status Messages
     - rhs1-4 is down
     - rhs1-2 is down
     - Brick rhs1-4:/gluster/brick1 is down/unavailable
     - Brick rhs1-2:/gluster/brick1 is down/unavailable

This is great!

I think adding one more for the client stack would be neat. A tool similar to nfsstat/nfsiostat which can expose various counters in iostats xlator and also status information like brick connectivity from the client perspective. I also have a cool name for that - glusteriostat ;)


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