On 11/02/2014, at 7:47 PM, Thiago da Silva wrote:
> Hi Justin, 
> I have started the work, but it is not yet complete. We currently have
> the same functions that was part of the example code. I think this is
> good enough so that the existing Python libgfapi can be removed from
> Gluster 3.5 dev tree. This way I can also start working to create a
> separate rpm, which gluster-swift would depend on once we make the move
> away from fuse.
> I have separated the tests to their own files and we have both unit and
> functional tests running automatically on Jenkins
> (http://build.gluster.org).
> I'm currently working with Ben England to run some tests with his
> smallfile.py project (https://github.com/bengland2/smallfile)
> I don't think it is ready yet for real world usage, but we are moving
> towards that...

No worries.  :)

As a thought, some of the code here maybe a useful addition:


I'd started adding docstrings, functions, and fixing one or two bugs
in Gluster code base a while ago, but then went on holiday.

It might apply cleanly to your gfapi.py, though I haven't written
any unit tests for it (yet).

Guess I should look at making a pull request with the code... :)

+ Justin

> Thiago

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