On 18/03/2014, at 10:11 AM, Atin Mukherjee wrote:
> Hello gluster-devel list,
> The current implementation of remove brick op has its default behaviour as 
> "force" which leads to data loss when remove brick is executed with out any 
> explicit argument. (BZ - 1046284)
> I have a question to the community about whether we should make the default 
> behaviour as "start" or should we only allow explicit arguments to be 
> provided in remove brick command to proceed the operation or block it with 
> error message.
> I feel the first approach is better as most of the other commands also have 
> some default behaviour without any explicit options, however would appreciate 
> community's opinion about it.

Personally, I'm a fan of not letting simple mistakes cause
data loss.  So I feel we should change the default behaviour...
but do so with a proper period of notice, so it's not "sudden"

eg message in CLI + on website + in docs

Similar to how deprecation notices are done, but warning of
the change in behaviour

The downside is this could potentially break existing scripts,
and people will have to be aware of the change.  Thus the warning
+ long grace period.

+ Justin

Open Source and Standards @ Red Hat


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