
I did simple tryout for GLFS 2.0rc8 on CentOS Linux with 2x Dual Core
Xeon 4GB RAM.
My benchmarks, it is high load single stream access on loopback glfs
mount on a single server with high performance FC RAID.
Target volume is XFS formatted. Local benchmark results are as
follows.(benchmark command is XDD command)

Buf I/O
READ = about 660MB/s
WRITE = about 480MB/s

Direct I/O
4MB block read = about 540MB/s
4MB block write = about 350MB/s

The results for GLFS loopback mount volume are as follows.

Buf I/O
READ = about 460MB/s
WRITE = about 330MB/s

Direct I/O
4MB block read = about 160MB/s
4MB block write = about 100MB/s

Buf I/O with GLFS is good results with small block size.
But The large block size access is slows down.
Direct I/O is poor performance without follow the block size.
Attached please find a detailed information text.

I want to use glfs with professional video applications on IB networks.
Video applications are using storages with large uncompress image
sequences and/or uncompress large movie files.(up to 2K/4K)
The block size control and direct I/O performance are important for them.

Please advise me about options/configurations for improve the
performance, and theory for improve performance by block size on GLFS.

My best regards,

                    GLUSTERFS server config
file : /etc/glusterfs/glusterfsd.vol
volume posix
  type storage/posix
  option directory /vol1

volume brick
  type performance/io-threads
  option thread-count 8
  subvolumes posix

### Add network serving capability to above brick.
volume server
  type protocol/server
  option transport-type tcp
  #option transport-type ib-sdp
  option client-volume-filename /etc/glusterfs/glusterfs-client.vol
  option auth.addr.brick.allow * # Allow access to "brick" volume
  subvolumes brick

                    GLUSTERFS client config
file : /etc/glusterfs/glusterfsd.vol
volume client
  type protocol/client
  option transport-type tcp
  #option transport-type ib-sdp
  option remote-host         # IP address of the remote brick
  #option remote-host         # IP address of the remote brick
  option remote-subvolume brick        # name of the remote volume

volume iot
  type performance/io-threads
  option thread-count 4
  subvolumes client

#volume writebehind
#  type performance/write-behind
#  option aggregate-size 1MB
#  option window-size 4MB
#  subvolumes iot

#volume cache
#  type performance/io-cache
#  option cache-size 512MB
#  subvolumes writebehind

                    GLUSTERFS Processes
root     14188     1  4 14:21 ?        00:05:39 /usr/sbin/glusterfsd -f 
root     14234     1  4 14:21 ?        00:05:26 /usr/sbin/glusterfs 
--log-level=NORMAL --volfile=/etc/glusterfs/glusterfs-client.vol /mnt/gluster/

                    XFS access
xdd - Version 4.2 - AHPCRC/UofMN
Writing to target /vol1/tmp/BIGFILE1 alignment is on 4096 byte boundary
 Reqsize     mbytes   #ops Avg_Rate  Hi_rate  Low_rate  elapsed  low_time  
hi_time times errors
     256       4096  16384   492.95   497.79    486.08    8.713     8.628    
8.836     3     0
     512       4096   8192   462.39   466.97    456.28    9.289     9.197    
9.413     3     0
    1024       4096   4096   474.29   484.45    469.01    9.056     8.866    
9.158     3     0
    2048       4096   2048   493.54   497.72    488.56    8.702     8.629    
8.791     3     0
    4096       4096   1024   478.62   491.81    468.66    8.974     8.733    
9.164     3     0
    8192       4096    512   495.77   498.05    491.55    8.663     8.624    
8.738     3     0
xdd - Version 4.2 - AHPCRC/UofMN
Reading from target /vol1/tmp/BIGFILE1 alignment is on 4096 byte boundary
 Reqsize     mbytes   #ops Avg_Rate  Hi_rate  Low_rate  elapsed  low_time  
hi_time times errors
     256       4096  16384   657.26   661.85    648.28    6.535     6.489    
6.625     3     0
     512       4096   8192   665.44   667.95    662.94    6.454     6.430    
6.479     3     0
    1024       4096   4096   664.09   667.62    660.69    6.467     6.433    
6.501     3     0
    2048       4096   2048   660.24   663.74    658.39    6.505     6.471    
6.523     3     0
    4096       4096   1024   659.22   661.27    657.62    6.515     6.495    
6.531     3     0
    8192       4096    512   659.04   660.13    658.03    6.517     6.506    
6.527     3     0
                    XFS dio access
xdd - Version 4.2 - AHPCRC/UofMN
Writing to target /vol1/tmp/BIGFILE1 alignment is on 4096 byte boundary
 Reqsize     mbytes   #ops Avg_Rate  Hi_rate  Low_rate  elapsed  low_time  
hi_time times errors
     256       4096  16384   173.02   174.56    170.90   24.824    24.605   
25.131     3     0
     512       4096   8192   233.86   235.84    231.36   18.365    18.211   
18.564     3     0
    1024       4096   4096   281.98   293.42    276.26   15.231    14.637   
15.547     3     0
    2048       4096   2048   323.80   344.48    314.07   13.264    12.468   
13.675     3     0
    4096       4096   1024   350.19   378.46    335.33   12.265    11.349   
12.808     3     0
    8192       4096    512   372.96   416.52    351.59   11.516    10.311   
12.216     3     0
xdd - Version 4.2 - AHPCRC/UofMN
Reading from target /vol1/tmp/BIGFILE1 alignment is on 4096 byte boundary
 Reqsize     mbytes   #ops Avg_Rate  Hi_rate  Low_rate  elapsed  low_time  
hi_time times errors
     256       4096  16384   265.35   267.20    263.36   16.186    16.074   
16.308     3     0
     512       4096   8192   389.13   397.20    380.43   11.037    10.813   
11.290     3     0
    1024       4096   4096   479.39   482.50    477.37    8.959     8.902    
8.997     3     0
    2048       4096   2048   510.98   519.00    506.37    8.405     8.275    
8.482     3     0
    4096       4096   1024   544.88   551.91    531.71    7.882     7.782    
8.078     3     0
    8192       4096    512   576.87   577.16    576.63    7.445     7.442    
7.448     3     0
                    GLFS access
xdd - Version 4.2 - AHPCRC/UofMN
Writing to target /mnt/gluster/tmp/gBIGFILE1 alignment is on 4096 byte boundary
 Reqsize     mbytes   #ops Avg_Rate  Hi_rate  Low_rate  elapsed  low_time  
hi_time times errors
     256       4096  16384   354.10   358.66    345.77   12.129    11.975   
12.421     3     0
     512       4096   8192   343.38   351.11    334.04   12.508    12.232   
12.858     3     0
    1024       4096   4096   339.03   340.54    336.34   12.668    12.612   
12.770     3     0
    2048       4096   2048   336.89   346.33    331.90   12.749    12.401   
12.941     3     0
    4096       4096   1024   322.51   330.84    318.21   13.317    12.982   
13.497     3     0
    8192       4096    512   326.85   332.55    321.83   13.140    12.915   
13.345     3     0
xdd - Version 4.2 - AHPCRC/UofMN
Reading from target /mnt/gluster/tmp/gBIGFILE1 alignment is on 4096 byte 
 Reqsize     mbytes   #ops Avg_Rate  Hi_rate  Low_rate  elapsed  low_time  
hi_time times errors
     256       4096  16384   504.89   507.85    502.00    8.507     8.457    
8.556     3     0
     512       4096   8192   496.10   500.03    492.83    8.658     8.589    
8.715     3     0
    1024       4096   4096   474.26   475.46    472.14    9.056     9.033    
9.097     3     0
    2048       4096   2048   447.06   447.78    446.29    9.607     9.592    
9.624     3     0
    4096       4096   1024   433.91   437.49    431.88    9.898     9.817    
9.945     3     0
    8192       4096    512   423.96   432.86    415.48   10.131     9.922   
10.337     3     0
                    GLFS dio access
xdd - Version 4.2 - AHPCRC/UofMN
Writing to target /mnt/gluster/tmp/gBIGFILE1 alignment is on 4096 byte boundary
 Reqsize     mbytes   #ops Avg_Rate  Hi_rate  Low_rate  elapsed  low_time  
hi_time times errors
     256       4096  16384    98.43    99.40     97.13   43.637    43.207   
44.217     3     0
     512       4096   8192   101.81   103.86     99.76   42.187    41.353   
43.052     3     0
    1024       4096   4096   101.08   102.48     98.96   42.491    41.909   
43.402     3     0
    2048       4096   2048    96.96    97.77     95.65   44.295    43.928   
44.902     3     0
    4096       4096   1024    99.76   103.59     97.83   43.052    41.462   
43.903     3     0
    8192       4096    512   100.31   103.76     97.21   42.818    41.395   
44.185     3     0
xdd - Version 4.2 - AHPCRC/UofMN
Reading from target /mnt/gluster/tmp/gBIGFILE1 alignment is on 4096 byte 
 Reqsize     mbytes   #ops Avg_Rate  Hi_rate  Low_rate  elapsed  low_time  
hi_time times errors
     256       4096  16384   163.79   170.76    153.86   26.222    25.152   
27.915     3     0
     512       4096   8192   169.70   170.21    169.25   25.309    25.233   
25.377     3     0
    1024       4096   4096   169.49   171.35    166.58   25.340    25.066   
25.783     3     0
    2048       4096   2048   156.99   162.27    154.36   27.358    26.467   
27.824     3     0
    4096       4096   1024   163.43   164.24    162.67   26.280    26.150   
26.403     3     0
    8192       4096    512    79.28   117.87     50.34   54.178    36.438   
85.323     3     0
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