     i test with testing/features/trash in gluster2.0.0.and the debug log is 
this :
2009-06-18 16:21:29 D [spec.y:188:new_section] parser: New node for 'trash1'
2009-06-18 16:21:29 D [xlator.c:594:xlator_set_type] xlator: attempt to load 
file /lib/glusterfs/2.0.0/xlator/testing/features/trash.so
2009-06-18 16:21:29 D [xlator.c:634:xlator_set_type] xlator: dlsym(notify) on 
/lib/glusterfs/2.0.0/xlator/testing/features/trash.so: undefined symbol: notify 
-- neglecting
2009-06-18 16:21:29 D [spec.y:214:section_type] parser: 
2009-06-18 16:21:29 D [spec.y:243:section_option] parser: 
2009-06-18 16:21:29 D [spec.y:312:section_sub] parser: child:trash1->brick1
2009-06-18 16:21:29 D [spec.y:327:section_end] parser: end:trash1

    when i "rm" some files in gluster directory, the trash directory had 
nothing . I FAILD AGAIN .
the configure file of server was :

volume posix1
  type storage/posix                   # POSIX FS translator
  option directory /data/data1    # Export this directory
volume posix2
  type storage/posix                   # POSIX FS translator
  option directory /data/data2    # Export this directory
volume brick1
  type features/posix-locks
  option mandatory-locks on          # enables mandatory locking on all files
  subvolumes posix1
volume brick2
  type features/posix-locks
  option mandatory-locks on          # enables mandatory locking on all files
  subvolumes posix2
volume trash1
  type  testing/features/trash
  option trash-dir /.trashcan
  subvolumes brick1
volume trash2
  type testing/features/trash
  option trash-dir /.trashcan
  subvolumes brick2
volume server
  type protocol/server
  option transport-type tcp
  option transport.socket.bind-address     # Default is to listen 
on all interfaces
  option transport.socket.listen-port 6996
  subvolumes brick1 brick2
  option auth.addr.brick1.allow * # Allow access to "brick" volume
  option auth.addr.brick2.allow * # Allow access to "brick" volume
the client configur was :

volume client1
  type protocol/client
  option transport-type tcp
  option remote-host         # IP address of the remote brick
  option remote-port 6996
  option remote-subvolume brick1       # name of the remote volume

volume client2
  type protocol/client
  option transport-type tcp
  option remote-host         # IP address of the remote brick
  option remote-port 6996
  option remote-subvolume brick2       # name of the remote volume

volume stripe
  type cluster/dht
  subvolumes  client1  client2 



发件人: Anand Babu 
发送时间: 2009-06-18  16:23:32 
收件人: eagleeyes 
抄送: Ate Poorthuis; gluster-users 
主题: Re: [Gluster-users] features/trash 
Hi there,
Translators that are not widely tested by user community are moved into testing 
Can you please test trash and let us know if you face any problems?.
Anand Babu Periasamy
GPG Key ID: 0x62E15A31
Blog [http://unlocksmith.org]
GlusterFS [http://www.gluster.org]
GNU/Linux [http://www.gnu.org]
eagleeyes wrote:
> Thanks a lot
> 2009-06-18
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> eagleeyes
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *发件人:* Ate Poorthuis
> *发送时间:* 2009-06-18  16:08:16
> *收件人:* eagleeyes
> *抄送:* gluster-users
> *主题:* Re: [Gluster-users] features/trash
> Hi,
> You can just define the type as 'testing/features/trash' instead of 
> 'features/trash' in the vol file. Please realize that it is probably in 
> testing for a reason - I don't know which one though.
> Ate
> 2009/6/18 eagleeyes <eaglee...@126.com <mailto:eaglee...@126.com>>
>     Hello:
>          I want to use features/trash  in gluster2.0.0 servers ,but when
>     i start  gluster server ,it tell  me  this :
>     2009-06-18 15:41:57 E [xlator.c:598:xlator_set_type] xlator: 
> /lib/glusterfs/2.0.0/xlator/features/trash.so: cannot open shared object file:
>      No such file or directory
>     2009-06-18 15:41:57 E [spec.y:211:section_type] parser: volume 'trash1', 
> line 27: type 'features/trash' is not valid or not found on this machine
>          so i find the trash.so was in
>     /lib/glusterfs/2.0.0/xlator/testing/features/trash.so ,what should i
>     do if i want use  features/trash  ? I try copy the file from
>     /lib/glusterfs/2.0.0/xlator/testing/features/ into the
>     /lib/glusterfs/2.0.0/xlator/features/,but it didn't work .
>          Who can help me ? waiting for your return ! thanks a lot .
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