OK, so the previous good results are indeed too good to be true. Here's a more reasonable evaluation http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~wdong/gluster/large.gif where I enlarged the number of images created by 10x so everything no longer fit in main memory. Still look good to me.

Wei Dong wrote:
I think it is fuse that causes the slowness. I ran all experiments with booster enabled and here's the new figure: http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~wdong/gluster/summary-booster.gif . The numbers are MUCH better than NFS in most cases except for the local setting, which is not practically interesting. The interesting thing is that all of a sudden, the deleting rate drop by 4-10 times -- though I don't really care about file deletion.

I must say that I'm totally satisfied by the results.

- Wei

Wei Dong wrote:
Hi All,

I complained about the low file creation rate with the glusterfs on my cluster weeks ago and Avati suggested I started with a small number of nodes. I finally get sometime to seriously benchmark glusterfs with Bonnie++ today and the results confirms that glusterfs is indeed slow in terms of file creating. My application is to store a large number of ~200KB image files. I use the following bonnie++ command for evaluation (create 10K files of 200KiB each scattered under 100 directories):

bonnie++ -d . -s 0 -n 10:200000:200000:100

Since sequential I/O is not that interesting to me, I only keep the random I/O results.

My hardware configuration is 2xquadcore Xeon E5430 2.66GHz, 16GB memory, 4 x Seagate 1500GiB 7200RPM hard drive. The machines are connected with gigabit ethernet.

I ran several GlusterFS configurations, each named as N-R-T, where N is the number of replicated volumes aggregated, R is the number of replications and T is number of server side I/O thread. I use one machine to serve one volume so there are NxR servers and one separate client running for each experiment. On the client side, the server volumes are first replicated and then aggregated -- even with 1-1-2 configuration, the single volume is wrapped by a replicate and a distribute translator. To show the overhead of those translators, I also run a "simple" configuration which is 1-1-2 without the extra replicate & distribute translators, and a "local" configuration which is "simple" with client & server running on the same machine. These configurations are compared to "nfs" and "nfs-local", which is NFS with server and client on the same machine. The GlusterFS volume file templates are attached to the email.

The result is at http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~wdong/gluster/summary.gif . The bars/numbers shown are operations/second, so the larger the better.

Following are the messages shown by the figure:
1. GlusterFS is doing a exceptionally good job on deleting files, but creates and reads files much slower than both NFS. 2. At least for one node server configuration, network doesn't affects the file creation rate and does affects file read rate. 3. The extra dummy replicate & distribute translators lowers file creation rate by almost half. 4. Replication doesn't hurt performance a lot. 5. I'm running only single-threaded benchmark, so it's hard to say about scalability, but adding more servers does helps a little bit even in single-threaded setting.

Note that my results are not really that different from http://gluster.com/community/documentation/index.php/GlusterFS_2.0_I/O_Benchmark_Results, where the single node configuration file create rate is about 30/second.

I see no reason why GlusterFS has to be that slower than NFS in file creation in single node configuration. I'm wondering if someone here can help me figure out what's wrong in my configuration or what's wrong in the GlusterFS implementation.

- Wei

Server volume:

volume posix
 type storage/posix
 option directory /state/partition1/wdong/gluster

volume lock
 type features/locks
 subvolumes posix

volume brick
 type performance/io-threads
 option thread-count 2
 subvolumes lock

volume server
 type protocol/server
 option transport-type tcp
 option auth.addr.brick.allow 192.168.99.*
 option transport.socket.listen-port 6999
 subvolumes brick

Client volume

volume brick-0-0
 type protocol/client
 option transport-type tcp
 option remote-host c8-0-0
 option remote-port 6999
 option remote-subvolume brick

volume brick-0-1 ...

volume rep-0
type cluster/replicate
subvolumes brick-0-0 brick-0-1 ...

volume union
type cluster/distribute
subvolumes rep-0 rep-1 rep-2 rep-3 rep-4 rep-5 rep-6 rep-7

volume client
 type performance/write-behind
 option cache-size 32MB
 option flush-behind on
 subvolumes union

For those who are interested enough to see the real configuration files, I have all the configuration files and server/client logs uploaded to http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~wdong/gluster/run.tar.gz .

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