On 10/29/2010 12:23 PM, Horacio Sanson wrote:

The problem is that if I run any rails application when stored in the gluster
volume it take minutes to start and then each page load take 5~10 secs. If
instead I run the rails app from the local hard disk in the same machine it
goes fast as thunder.

This sounds like a locking or a stat issue ... though there could be something else going on.

To give an idea here is some output from rails log file:

# Using gluster to store the rails application takes 5.6 secs to render a page
Completed in 5645ms (View: 2948, DB: 46) | 200 OK

# Using local storage it take 400ms to render the same page
Completed in 401ms (View: 296, DB: 34) | 200 OK

All machines (both storage and rails app) are connected to the same switch via
1GB ethernet and there is no other traffic in that switch (is isolated).

The questions:

Am I doing something wrong or missing something or is this expected?

Are there any options I can set when mounting the partition to improve

What do your client configs look like?

Joseph Landman, Ph.D
Founder and CEO
Scalable Informatics Inc.
email: land...@scalableinformatics.com
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