Daniel -
If you want to export existing data you will need to run the self heal process so extended attributes can get written. While this should work without any issues it isn't an officially supported process, please make sure you have complete and up to date backups.

After you have setup and started the Gluster volume mount it locally on one of the servers using `mount -t glusterfs localhost:/<volname> /<some temporary mount>`. CD into the root of the mount point and run `find . | xargs stat >>/dev/null 2>&1` to start a self heal.

Also the command you used to create the volume should not have worked, it is missing a volume name - gluster volume create <VOLNAME> transport tcp fs7:/storage/7, fs8:/storage/8, typo maybe?

Please let us know how it goes, and please let me know if you have any other questions.



Craig Carl
Senior Systems Engineer; Gluster, Inc.
Cell - (408) 829-9953 (California, USA)
Office - (408) 770-1884
Gtalk - craig.c...@gmail.com
Twitter - @gluster

On 12/02/2010 11:38 PM, Daniel Zander wrote:
Dear all,

at our institute, we currently have 6 file servers, each one of them individually mounted via NFS on ~ 20 clients. The structure on the servers and the clients is the following:

/storage/1/<user_directories> (NFS export from FS1)
/storage/2/<user_directories> (NFS export from FS2)
etc ...

Recently, we decided that we would like to migrate this to glusterFS, so that we can have one big storage directory on the clients. Let's call it


I tried to set up a gluster volume with two empty fileservers and it worked without any problems. I could easily mount it on a client and use it (using the native glusterFS mount).

If we now want to migrate the entire institute, it would be very convenient, if existing folders could be easily included into a new volume. I tried to do this, but I did not succeed.

Here's a short description of what I tried:

Existing folders:
on fs7: /storage/7/user_1,user_2
on fs8: /storage/8/user_3,user_4

gluster volume create transport tcp fs7:/storage/7, fs8:/storage/8

I hoped to see on the client:

The creation was successful, the volume could be started and mounted. On the client, however, I could only find (via "ls /gluster") the directories user_1 and user_2. But when I tried "cd /gluster/user_3", it succeeded! Now "ls /gluster" showed me user_1, user_2 and user_3. Unfortunately, user_3's subdirectories and files were still invisible, but with the above mentioned trick, I could make them visible.

This is however not an option, as there are too much users and too complicated file structures to do this manually. It anyhow seems like Voodoo to me.

Is it possible to include all of the existing directories in the new glusterFS volume? If yes: how?

Thank you in advance for your efforts,
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