Hi folks

We've fielded a number of mirroring questions offline as well as watched/participated in discussions here. I thought it was important to make sure some of these are answered and searchable on the lists.

 One major question that kept arising was as follows:

q: If I have a large image file (say a VM vmdk/other format) on a mirrored volume, will one small change of a few bytes result in a resync of the entire file?

a:  No.

To test this, we created a 20GB file on a mirror volume.

root@metal:/local2/home/landman# ls -alF /mirror1gfs/big.file
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 21474836490 2011-05-02 12:44 /mirror1gfs/big.file

Then using the following quick and dirty Perl, we appended about 10-20 bytes to the file.

#!/usr/bin/env perl

my $file=shift;
my $fh;
print $fh "end ".$$."\n";

root@metal:/local2/home/landman# ./app.pl /mirror1gfs/big.file

then I had to write a quick and dirty tail replacement, as I've discovered that tail doesn't seek ... (yeah, it started reading every 'line' of that file ...)

#!/usr/bin/env perl

my $file=shift;
my $fh;
my $buf;

seek $fh,-200,2;
read $fh,$buf,200;
printf "buffer: \'%s\'\n",$buf;

root@metal:/local2/home/landman# ./tail.pl /mirror1gfs/big.file
buffer: 'end 19362'

While running the app.pl, I did not see any massive resyncs. I had dstat running in another window.

You might say, that this is irrelevant, as we only appended, and that could be special cased.

So I wrote a random updater, that updated at random spots throughtout the large file (sorta like a VM vmdk and other files).

#!/usr/bin/env perl

my $file=shift;
my $fh;
my $buf;
my @stat;
my $loc;

@stat = stat($file);
$loc    =       int(rand($stat[7]));
seek $fh,$loc,0;
printf $fh "I was here!!!";
printf "loc: %i\n",$loc;

root@metal:/local2/home/landman# ./randupd.pl /mirror1gfs/big.file
loc: 17598205436
root@metal:/local2/home/landman# ./randupd.pl /mirror1gfs/big.file
loc: 16468787891
root@metal:/local2/home/landman# ./randupd.pl /mirror1gfs/big.file
loc: 9271612568
root@metal:/local2/home/landman# ./randupd.pl /mirror1gfs/big.file
loc: 1356667302
root@metal:/local2/home/landman# ./randupd.pl /mirror1gfs/big.file
loc: 12365324308
root@metal:/local2/home/landman# ./randupd.pl /mirror1gfs/big.file
loc: 15654714313
root@metal:/local2/home/landman# ./randupd.pl /mirror1gfs/big.file
loc: 10127739152
root@metal:/local2/home/landman# ./randupd.pl /mirror1gfs/big.file
loc: 10259920623

and again, no massive resyncs.

So I think its fairly safe to say that the concern over massive resyncs for small updates is not something we see in the field.



Joseph Landman, Ph.D
Founder and CEO
Scalable Informatics Inc.
email: land...@scalableinformatics.com
web  : http://scalableinformatics.com
phone: +1 734 786 8423 x121
fax  : +1 866 888 3112
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