
                 I have installed GlusterFS-3.2 with two servers and two bricks. 

I am  able to mount it on a client node also. 

I need to enable quota on the directories of glusterfs.


# gluster volume info

Volume Name: crlgfs1

Type: Distribute

Status: Started

Number of Bricks: 2

Transport-type: rdma


Brick1: glus01-ib:/data/gluster/brick-1

Brick2: glus02-ib:/data/gluster/brick-2

Options Reconfigured:

diagnostics.latency-measurement: on

diagnostics.count-fop-hits: on

features.quota: on

features.limit-usage: /data/gluster/brick-2/dheeraj:10MB,/data/gluster/brick-1/dheeraj:10MB

Please check the above command to check the configuration.
When I give the below given command from the glusterfs server, it will me the following output.
# gluster volume quota crlgfs1 list /data/gluster/brick-1/dheeraj
path limit_set    size
/data/gluster/brick-1/dheeraj       10MB
I have created quota from one glusterfs server only
The result is that I m able to create files of size more than 10 MB . Even 8 GB file I created even though the quota is for 10 MB.
Please put some light on it. Any help is much appreciated. 

Thanks & Regards

Dheeraj K V 

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