On 12/7/11 12:53 PM, Matt Weil wrote:

Just some simply iozone testing failed due to folder permissions. The
tmp folder is created by iozone.

six nodes with stripe 6 and underlying EXT4 file system.

The ext4 filesystems where not mounted with out the -o acl option.

I meant with out the -o acl option.

Any Ideas?

in both cases it created a folder with no permissions.

188K d--------- 2 root root 24K 2011-12-06 11:28 tmp/
iozone$ rm -rf tmp
rm: cannot remove directory `tmp': Permission denied
test$ cd iozone.broke/
iozone.broke$ ls
./ ../ tmp/
iozone.broke$ ls -lash
total 580K>> 288K drwxrwxrwx 6 root root 24K 2011-12-04 14:28 ../
4.0K d--------- 2 root root 4.0K 2011-12-06 11:32 tmp/

each node has error trying to set permissions on that folder.

[2011-12-06 12:23:36.593604] E [marker.c:2018:marker_setattr_cbk]
0-gluster1-marker: Operation not permitted occured during setattr of
[2011-12-06 12:23:36.593669] I
[server3_1-fops.c:1526:server_setattr_cbk] 0-gluster1-server: 433:
SETATTR /test/iozone/tmp (-734804259) ==> -1 (Operation not permitted)
[2011-12-06 12:23:36.593669] I
[server3_1-fops.c:1526:server_setattr_cbk] 0-gluster1-server: 433:
SETATTR /test/iozone/tmp (-734804259) ==> -1 (Operation not permitted)

188K d--------- 2 root root 24K 2011-12-06 11:28 tmp/
iozone$ chmod +rw tmp/
chmod: changing permissions of `tmp/': Operation not permitted
iozone$ ls -lash

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