
I'm running the latest qa build of 3.3 and having a bit of trouble with
extended attrs.

[root@compute-0-0 ~]# rpm -qa | grep gluster

Firstly, is it mandatory to mount ext3 file systems with 'user_xattr'? The
issue I'm having is that I would like to delete a gluster volume and create
a new one. Gluster isn't allowing me to do so:

[root@compute-0-0 ~]# gluster volume create cloudfs replica 2
compute-0-0:/gluster1 compute-0-1:/gluster1 compute-0-2:/gluster1
'compute-0-0:/gluster1' has been part of a deleted volume with id
d83317f2-0c13-4481-bd0a-838fc013ceff. Please re-create the brick directory.

So, I'm trying to delete the brick directory but the xattrs remain:

[root@compute-0-0 ~]# attr -l /gluster1
Attribute "gfid" has a 16 byte value for /gluster1
Attribute "glusterfs.dht" has a 16 byte value for /gluster1
Attribute "glusterfs.volume-id" has a 16 byte value for /gluster1
Attribute "afr.cloudfs-client-0" has a 12 byte value for /gluster1
Attribute "afr.cloudfs-client-1" has a 12 byte value for /gluster1

[root@compute-0-0 ~]# attr -r afr.cloudfs-client-1 /gluster1
attr_remove: No data available
Could not remove "afr.cloudfs-client-1" for /gluster1

[root@compute-0-0 ~]# mount | grep gluster1
/dev/sdb1 on /gluster1 type ext3 (rw,user_xattr)

[root@compute-0-0 ~]# umount /gluster1

[root@compute-0-0 ~]# rm -rf /gluster1

[root@compute-0-0 ~]# mkdir /gluster1

[root@compute-0-0 ~]# mount /gluster1

[root@compute-0-0 ~]# mount | grep gluster1
/dev/sdb1 on /gluster1 type ext3 (rw,user_xattr)

[root@compute-0-0 ~]# attr -l /gluster1
Attribute "gfid" has a 16 byte value for /gluster1
Attribute "glusterfs.dht" has a 16 byte value for /gluster1
Attribute "glusterfs.volume-id" has a 16 byte value for /gluster1
Attribute "afr.cloudfs-client-0" has a 12 byte value for /gluster1
Attribute "afr.cloudfs-client-1" has a 12 byte value for /gluster1

Thanks for any help.

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