I wrote about this issue a few weeks ago, but its started happening again.

To summarize, when I try to rebalance a volume I get a strange combination of messages:

$ sudo gluster volume rebalance west start
starting rebalance on volume west has been unsuccessful
$ sudo gluster volume rebalance west status
rebalance not started
$ sudo gluster volume rebalance west stop
stopped rebalance process of volume west
(after rebalancing 0 files totaling 0 bytes)
$ sudo gluster volume rebalance west start
Rebalance on west is already started
$ sudo gluster volume rebalance west status
rebalance stopped

And no rebalancing actually occurs.

This seems to be intermittent, in that I was able to balance this volume previously. However no amount of uninstalling/reinstalling gluster, stopping/starting the volume, rebooting the machine will cause the issue to go away.

I've just upgraded to Gluster 3.2.6 which did not help.

Any ideas? Thanks so much,

- brian

On 3/9/12 11:55 AM, Brian Cipriano wrote:
I didn't see my last message get posted to the list, sorry if I'm repeating myself.

Installing the rdma package solved this problem. I don't know if there's an issue with the non-rdma deb or what; it must be some combination issue between my Ubuntu server and the non-rdma deb.

One I reinstalled, rebalancing started working.

I should mention that this is all on an Amazon EC2 instance - I started with the stock Ubuntu AMI listed on alestic.com, and only installed gluster and its dependencies. Maybe something to do with the Amazon instance.

Thanks again for everyone's help on this.

- brian

On 3/9/12 11:48 AM, Kaleb S. KEITHLEY wrote:
On 03/09/2012 11:29 AM, Brian Cipriano wrote:
Ah, no I didn't. Because I planned on using only TCP. Should I retry
reinstalling with the rdma .deb?

Only if you're going to use ib/rdma.


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