It may be just me/chrome, but trying to dl the latest gluster results by clicking on the Download button next to the Ant, leads not to a download page but to the info page. It invites you to go back to the page from when you just came.

And when you click on the alternative 'Download' links (the button on the upper right or the larger "Download GlusterFS" icon with the package image, you get this in Chrome:

This webpage has a redirect loop
The webpage at has resulted in too many redirects. Clearing your cookies for this site or allowing third-party cookies may fix the problem. If not, it is possibly a server configuration issue and not a problem with your computer.

Bug or feature?

Harry Mangalam,Research Computing, OIT,
Rm 225 MSTB, UC Irvine [mailcode 2225]
Google Voice Multiplexer: (949) 478-4487
415 South Circle View Dr, Irvine, CA, 92697 [shipping]
Lat/Long: (33.642025,-117.844414) [paste into Google Maps]

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