On 07/26/2012 11:47 PM, Harry Mangalam wrote:
> So why doesn't the gluster native client do client-side caching like
> NFS?  It looks like it's explicitly refusing to be cached by the usual
> (and usually excellent) Linux mechanisms.
> What's the reason for declining this OS advantage on the client side
> while providing such a technically sweet solution on the server side?
> I'm at a loss to explain this behavior to our technical group.

My understanding is this is a limitation of fuse moreso than glusterfs.
fuse currently fires off each write() it receives to the client fs
(gluster). FWIW, there is a fuse enhancement under development that you
can check out over on fuse-devel:


I can't say whether that would solve your performance problems, but you
could certainly give it a try. I believe the intent is to sink writes
into the page cache (similar to NFS or a local filesystem) and send out
larger requests down to the fuse filesystem when writeback kicks in.

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