Check your client logs. I have seen that with network issues causing 

Harry Mangalam <> wrote:

>Thanks for your comments.
>I use mdadm on many servers and I've seen md numbering like this a fair
>bit. Usually it occurs after a another RAID has been created and the
>numbering shifts.  Neil Brown (mdadm's author) , seems to think it's fine.
> So I don't think that's the problem.  And you're right - this is a
>Frankengluster made from a variety of chassis and controllers and normally
>it's fine.   As Brian noted, it's all the same to gluster, mod some small
>local differences in IO performance.
>Re the size difference, I'll explicitly rebalance the brick after the
>fix-layout finishes, but I'm even more worried about this fantastic
>increase in CPU usage and its effect on user performance.
>In the fix-layout routines (still running), I've seen CPU usage of
>glusterfsd rise to ~400% and loadavg go up to >15 on all the servers
>(except the pbs3, the one that originally had that problem).  That high
>load does not last long tho (maybe a few mintes - we've just installed
>nagios on these nodes and I'm getting a ton of emails about load increasing
>and then decreasing on all the nodes (except pbs3).  When the load goes
>very high on a server node, the user-end performance drops appreciably.
>On Sat, Aug 11, 2012 at 4:20 AM, Brian Candler <> wrote:
>> On Sat, Aug 11, 2012 at 12:11:39PM +0100, Nux! wrote:
>> > On 10.08.2012 22:16, Harry Mangalam wrote:
>> > >pbs3:/dev/md127  8.2T  5.9T  2.3T  73% /bducgl  <---
>> >
>> > Harry,
>> >
>> > The name of that md device (127) indicated there may be something
>> > dodgy going on there. A device shouldn't be named 127 unless some
>> > problems occured. Are you sure your drives are OK?
>> I have systems with /dev/md127 all the time, and there's no problem. It
>> seems to number downwards from /dev/md127 - if I create md array on the
>> same
>> system it is /dev/md126.
>> However, this does suggest that the nodes are not configured identically:
>> two are /dev/sda or /dev/sdb, which suggests either plain disk or hardware
>> RAID, while two are /dev/md0 or /dev/127, which is software RAID.
>> Although this could explain performance differences between the nodes, this
>> is transparent to gluster and doesn't explain why the files are unevenly
>> balanced - unless there is one huge file which happens to have been
>> allocated to this node.
>> Regards,
>> Brian.
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