Brian Candler asks:
On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 12:19:10AM -0700, Joe Julian wrote:
    I'm betting that your bricks are formatted ext4. If they are, you have
    a bug due to a recent structure change in ext4. If that is the problem,
    you can downgrade your kernel to before they backported the change (not
    sure which version that is though), or reformat your bricks xfs.
Do you have a link to any info on that issue?

Does it only affect RedHat, or does it also affect distros running new

I am using ext4 rather than xfs because I was reliably able to make machines
running xfs lock up (these are Ubuntu not RedHat BTW) just by throwing
bonnie++ load at them, but not when running the same test on ext4.
I have written up an article at
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