Thank you all for your comments and suggestions. I am very sorry not to have responded before now. Last week I was preoccupied with the problem I described in the following thread and then went away for a long weekend.

The excessive load problem turned out to be caused by the problematic upgrade and subsequent downgrade that I reported in this thread. I suspect this was because I downgraded using the 3.3.0 packages I found at rather than the ones in Kaleb's repo.

Unfortunately I have not managed to reproduce the CARP problem on upgrade using a pair of test servers. Therefore the NFS crashing problem with CARP I experienced must have been caused by something unique to my production cluster. Two things I didn't try while attempting to reproduce the NFS crashes were (1) upgrading from 3.3.0-1 and (2) using a mixture of CentOS-5 and CentOS-6 servers. I am now using version 3.3.0-11, and I will put some more effort into reproducing the CARP problem for a bug report if the same thing happens the next time I try to upgrade my production cluster to 3.3.1.


On 10/22/2012 03:08 PM, Kaleb S. KEITHLEY wrote:
On 10/22/2012 09:42 AM, Dan Bretherton wrote:

Incidentally, when I decided to downgrade 3.3.0 I discovered that those
RPMs aren't available for download from or (epel-glusterfs)
any more.

The old 3.3.0 RPMs from my repo are at

I managed to find RPMs for version 3.3.0 by Googling for the
file names and found them here:

I would not recommend using those. They were built on an ancient CentOS machine that hasn't been updated since forever and I believe I've heard that they have obsolete dependencies. YMMV.

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