
The volume is a pure distribute:

Type: Distribute
In order to have files replicate, you need
1) to have a number of bricks that is a multiple of the replica count, e.g., for your three node configuration, you would need two bricks per node to set up replica two. You could set up replica 3, but you will take a performance hit in doing so.
2) to add a replica count during the volume creation, e.g.
`gluster volume create <vol name> replica 2 server1:/export server2:/export

From the volume info you provided, the export directories are different for all three nodes:

Brick1: gluster-0-0:/mseas-data-0-0
Brick2: gluster-0-1:/mseas-data-0-1
Brick3: gluster-data:/data
Which node are you trying to mount to /data? If it is not the gluster-data node, then it will fail if there is not a /data directory. In this case, it is a good thing, since mounting to /data on gluster-0-0 or gluster-0-1 would not accomplish what you need. To clarify, there is a distinction to be made between the export volume mount and the gluster mount point. In this case, you are mounting the brick. In order to see all the files, you would need to mount the volume with the native client, or NFS.
For the native client:
mount -t glusterfs gluster-data:/gdata /mnt/<gluster mount dir>
For NFS:
mount -t nfs -o vers=3 gluster-data:/gdata /mnt/<gluster mount dir>


On 11/20/2012 09:42 AM, Steve Postma wrote:
  I have a 3 node gluster cluster that had 3.1.4 uninstalled and 3.3.1 

I had some mounting issues yesterday, from a rocks 6.2 install to the cluster. 
I was able to overcome those issues and mount the export on my node. Thanks to 
all for your help.

However, I can only view the portion of files that is directly stored on the 
one brick in the cluster. The other bricks do not seem to be replicating, tho 
gluster reports the volume as up.

[root@mseas-data ~]# gluster volume info
Volume Name: gdata
Type: Distribute
Volume ID: eccc3a90-212d-4563-ae8d-10a77758738d
Status: Started
Number of Bricks: 3
Transport-type: tcp
Brick1: gluster-0-0:/mseas-data-0-0
Brick2: gluster-0-1:/mseas-data-0-1
Brick3: gluster-data:/data

The brick we are attaching to has this in the fstab file.
/dev/mapper/the_raid-lv_data /data              xfs     quota,noauto    1 0

but "mount -a" does not appear to do anything.
I have to run "mount -t xfs  /dev/mapper/the_raid-lv_data /data"
manually to mount it.

Any help with troubleshooting why we are only seeing data from 1 brick of 3 
would be appreciated,
Steve Postma

From: Steve Postma
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 3:29 PM
Subject: cant mount gluster volume

  I am still unable to mount a new 3.3.1 glusterfs install. I have tried from 
one of the actual machines in the cluster to itself, as well as from various 
other clients. They all seem to be failing in the same part of the process.

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