----- Original Message -----

> After a hard time learning how gluster works, I made a puppet module
> [1]
> for exactly this reason. It's definitely a more complicated module
> that
> does more (some sysadmins don't want it to do this much), however it
> *does* show how to get a working gluster setup if you look through
> it,
> or run it. Conversely, I hope that the real gluster experts out there
> check it out and add optimisations to it. What better way to get
> users
> trying out gluster if they have a turn key, deployment solution
> available.

That's great. Would you like to present your handiwork at a Puppetcamp in the 
near future? We can sponsor your travel.

> This wasn't meant as a plug, it is Free Software after all, but
> you're
> free to use and share it as a means to help new users figure out
> gluster
> in the face of missing docs. I think this is a good way to learn.

By all means, plug away. This is the perfect place to do that. 

> Hope this was a useful comment,
> James
> [1] https://github.com/purpleidea/puppet-gluster

Great. Can you also add to the conversation at this page? 

You seem to have made the most progress, so I'd like to see you take the lead 
and flesh out the features and other descriptive text on that page, with a link 
to your GitHub repo.


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