Are your bricks formatted ext4?

On 02/28/2013 10:32 AM, Tony Saenz wrote:
I finally got everything up. However, when transferring files the server locks 
up.. df hangs etc. In order to get things working I have to kill off processes 
and unmount for the box to start responding. I put everything back on the NIC 
cards and transferring files works as expected.

Any ideas?

On Feb 26, 2013, at 1:36 AM, Brian Candler <> wrote:

On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 06:28:01PM +0000, Tony Saenz wrote:
Any help please? The regular NICs are fine which is what it currently sees but 
I'd like to move them over to the Infiniband cards.
[root@fpsgluster testvault]# gluster peer probe fpsgluster2ib
Probe on host fpsgluster2ib port 0 already in peer list
Probing only works in one direction. The HTML admin guide has been taken
down so I can only point you to the PDF:

"use the probe command from a storage server that is already part of the
trusted storage pool."

That is, probe from existing cluster node to new node, not from new node to
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