On 07/02/2013 07:16 AM, Joshua Hawn wrote:
> I've had this issue recently. The error occurred because I tried adding
> a brick that was previously part of another volume. If this is the case
> for you, then this article may be
> helpful: 
> http://joejulian.name/blog/glusterfs-path-or-a-prefix-of-it-is-already-part-of-a-volume/
> You'll need to install the 'attr' package to remove the attributes of
> the brick directory that specify that it already belongs to another volume.

If the brick is on a separate file-system, reformatting it, forcefully
if required. is the easiest way to remove all traces of earlier volume.

If you want to view what attributes have been set on the brick (probably
so as to remove some of them with the 'setfattr -x' command), you may
run the command

getfattr -d -m . <path to brick>

- rejy (rmc)

> On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 6:04 PM, Matthew Sacks <msacksda...@gmail.com
> <mailto:msacksda...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hello,
>     I am having trouble expanding a volume. Every time I try to add
>     bricks to the volume, I get this error:
>     [root@gluster1 sdb1]# gluster volume add-brick vg0 
>     gluster5:/export/brick2/sdb1 gluster6:/export/brick2/sdb1
>     /export/brick2/sdb1 or a prefix of it is already part of a volume
>     Here is the volume info:
>     [root@gluster1 sdb1]# gluster volume info vg0
>     Volume Name: vg0
>     Type: Distributed-Replicate
>     Volume ID: 7ebad06f-2b44-4769-a395-475f300608e6
>     Status: Started
>     Number of Bricks: 2 x 2 = 4
>     Transport-type: tcp
>     Bricks:
>     Brick1: gluster1:/export/brick2/sdb1
>     Brick2: gluster2:/export/brick2/sdb1
>     Brick3: gluster3:/export/brick2/sdb1
>     Brick4: gluster4:/export/brick2/sdb1
>     Any help is appreciated.
>     _______________________________________________
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