Hi All,

I'm setting up a gluster cluster that will be accessed via smb. I was
hoping that the quotas. I've configured a quota on the path itself:

# gluster volume quota gfsv0 list
        path              limit_set          size
/shares/testsharedave       10GB                8.0KB

And I've configured the share in samba (and can access it fine):
# cat /etc/samba/smb.conf
        vfs objects = glusterfs
        glusterfs:volfile_server = localhost
        glusterfs:volume = gfsv0
        path = /shares/testsharedave
        valid users = dave
        guest ok = no
        writeable = yes

But windows does not reflect the quota and instead shows the full size of
the gluster volume.

I've reviewed the code in
which does not appear to support passing gluster quotas to samba. So I
don't think my installation is broken, it seems like maybe this just isn't

Can anyone speak to whether or not quotas are going to be implemented in
vfs_glusterfs for samba? Or if I'm just crazy and doing this wrong ;)? I'm
definitely willing to help with the code but don't have much experience
with either samba modules or the gluster API.

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