On 10/02/2014, at 4:18 PM, John G. Heim wrote:
> On 02/10/14 07:23, Justin Clift wrote:
>> On Thu, 06 Feb 2014 14:52:44 -0600
>> "John G. Heim" <jh...@math.wisc.edu> wrote:
>>> Maybe this is a dumb question but do I have to set up an nfs server on
>>> one of the server peers in my gluster volume in order to connect to  the
>>> volume with nfs?
>> In theory, NFS is supposed to be enabled/running by default.
> On all the servers? I have 51 servers in my cluster.  I just ran a port scan 
> and none of them have port 2049 open.
>> If you run "gluster volume status", what does it show?
> Do you mean 'gluster volume info'?  That command says "nfs.disable: off" I'm 
> running 3.2.7, the version in debian stable (wheezy).

Heh, nah I'm definitely meaning "status" not info.  He's the output from
a vm I'm doing development on using the Gluster 3.5 code base:

  $ sudo gluster volume status
  Status of volume: patchy
  Gluster process                                       Port    Online  Pid
  Brick f19laptop.uk.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy1    49153   Y       1788
  Brick f19laptop.uk.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy2    49154   Y       1793
  Brick f19laptop.uk.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy3    49155   Y       1798
  Brick f19laptop.uk.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy4    49156   Y       1802
  NFS Server on localhost                               N/A     N       N/A
  Self-heal Daemon on localhost                         N/A     Y       1854

  Task Status of Volume patchy
  There are no active volume tasks

With the line that says "NFS Server on localhost", it *should* be showing a port
number, pid number, and "Y" for the Online row.

In my case it's not because the NFS server is crashing at startup (Gluster 3.5
bug I'm chasing down).

Hopefully yours does have entries there, otherwise you too could be having a
crashing NFS server. (!)

What's the output of yours look like?

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

Open Source and Standards @ Red Hat


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