Let's go with the data collection first.

What linux distro ?

Anything special about your network configuration ?

Any chance your server is taking too long to release networking and gluster
is starting before network is ready ?

Can you completely disable iptables and test again ?

I am afraid quorum will not help you if you cannot get this issue

On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 3:14 PM, Артём Конвалюк <art...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello!
> I have 2 nodes with GlusterFS 3.4.2. I created one replica volume using 2
> bricks and enabled glusterd autostarts. Also firewall is configured and I
> have to run "iptables -F" on nodes after reboot. It is clear that firewall
> should be disabled in LAN, but I'm interested in my case.
> Problem: When I reboot both nodes and run "iptables -F" peer status is
> still disconnected. I wonder why. After "service glusterd restart" peer
> status is connected. But I have to run "gluster volume heal <volume-name>"
> to make both servers consistent and be able to replicate files. Is there
> any way to eliminate this problem?
> I read about server-quorum, but it needs 3 or more nodes. Am I right?
> Best Regards,
> Artem Konvalyuk
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