On 09/24/2014 06:48 PM, Justin Clift wrote:
On 24/09/2014, at 2:07 PM, Kiran Patil wrote:
Some of the reasons I have found so far are as below,

1. Cleanup operation does not work since killall is not part of CentOS 7

2. I used pkill and still testcases fail at first step  Ex: TEST glusterd

3. Subsequent running of testcases does not proceed and hangs at the first 
testcase (tests/basic/bd.t)
This sounds like there could be a few challenges then.  I'm setting up
a new Fedora 20 (or 21 alpha) VM in Rackspace for running btrfs regression
tests on.

Guessing that will experience these same problems as your CentOS 7
test run, so I'm definitely interested in this too.

+ Justin


Have we published somewhere which distributions or OS versions we are running regression tests ? if not lets compile it and publish as this will help community to understand which os distributions are part of the regression testing.

Do we have plans to run regression on a variety of distributions? Not sure how difficult or complex it is to maintain.

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