The Bitergia team have updated their GlusterFS Community stats page,
so it now shows more of the companies in our Community. :)

Previously it was:

 #1 Red Hat
 #2 IBM
 #3 CERN

Now it's:

  #1 Red Hat
  #2 DataLab
  #3 IBM
  #4 GoodData
  #5 Lunds University
  #6 Stepping Stone
  #7 CERN

That looks a lot better. :)

Thanks Xavi for prompting the update for this page, and thank you
everyone for all of your efforts in making GlusterFS better! :)

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

GlusterFS -

An open source, distributed file system scaling to several
petabytes, and handling thousands of clients.

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