
I have installed Gluster 3.5.3 on Debian 7 and have one single test volume 
right now. Unfortunately after a reboot this volume does not get get started 
automatically: the glusterfsd process for that volume is inexistant although 
the glusterd process is running. 

After a boot running "gluster volume status" shows:
Status of volume: myvol
Gluster process                        Port    Online    Pid
Brick gfs1a:/data/myvol/brick                N/A    N    N/A

Task Status of Volume myvol

There are no active volume tasks

as you can see all N/A there. In order to make it work I have to run "gluster 
volume stop myvol" and "gluster volume start myvol". Then it is ready and 
working. What could the problem be? Is the init.d startup srcript on Debian 7 

Best regards
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