Sorry to top-post, Roundcube doesn't do quoting properly. 

The answer to your quesiton is yes, both NFS1 and NFS2 had /brick1
formatted. I find some information about the brick in / 

Also, here are my logs from the last time I tried to create the volume
on NFS1:

[2015-02-11 18:59:58.394420] E
[glusterd-utils.c:7944:glusterd_new_brick_validate] 0-management: Host
nfs2 is not in 'Peer in Cluster' state
[2015-02-11 18:59:58.394476] E
0-management: Host nfs2 is not in 'Peer in Cluster' state
[2015-02-11 18:59:58.394488] E
[glusterd-syncop.c:1151:gd_stage_op_phase] 0-management: Staging of
operation 'Volume Create' failed on localhost : Host nfs2 is not in
'Peer in Cluster' state
[2015-02-11 19:00:05.842154] I
[glusterd-handler.c:1015:__glusterd_handle_cli_probe] 0-glusterd:
Received CLI probe req nfs2 24007
[2015-02-11 19:00:15.378343] E
[glusterd-utils.c:8112:glusterd_is_path_in_use] 0-management:
/brick1/gv0 is already part of a volume
[2015-02-11 19:00:15.378364] E
[glusterd-syncop.c:1151:gd_stage_op_phase] 0-management: Staging of
operation 'Volume Create' failed on localhost : /brick1/gv0 is already
part of a volume
[2015-02-11 19:01:41.295018] I
[glusterd-handler.c:1280:__glusterd_handle_cli_get_volume] 0-glusterd:
Received get vol req
[2015-02-11 19:20:28.482341] I
[glusterd-handler.c:3803:__glusterd_handle_status_volume] 0-management:
Received status volume req for volume gv0
[2015-02-11 19:20:28.482408] E
[glusterd-op-sm.c:3195:glusterd_dict_set_volid] 0-management: Volume gv0
does not exist
[2015-02-11 19:20:28.482421] E
[glusterd-syncop.c:1610:gd_sync_task_begin] 0-management: Failed to
build payload for operation 'Volume Status'
[2015-02-11 20:26:31.899032] E
[glusterd-utils.c:8112:glusterd_is_path_in_use] 0-management:
/brick1/gv0 is already part of a volume
[2015-02-11 20:26:31.899064] E
[glusterd-syncop.c:1151:gd_stage_op_phase] 0-management: Staging of
operation 'Volume Create' failed on localhost : /brick1/gv0 is already
part of a volume 

On 2015-02-12 07:21, Justin Clift wrote: 

> On 11 Feb 2015, at 19:06, Ernie Dunbar <> wrote:
>> I nuked the entire partition with mkfs, just to be *sure*, and I still get 
>> the error message: volume create: gv0: failed: /brick1/gv0 is already part 
>> of a volume Clearly, there's some bit of data being kept somewhere else 
>> besides in /brick1?
> Yeah, this frustrates the heck out of me every time too.
> As a thought, did you nuke the /brick1/gv0 directory on *both* of the
> servers? Looking at the cut-n-pasted log below, it seems like you
> nuked the dir on nfs1, but not on nfs2.

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