Hi Frank,

Thanks for your answer. On the ZFS side I've got everything pretty much sorted 
out (which RAIDZ to use, ZIL or not, compression, etc). To answer your 
questions I will start small with only two nodes in replicated mode and add 
more nodes as soon as needed using distributed-replicated mode then. I plan to 
use a 10 Gbit/s fiber dedicated private network just between the nodes for 

So now what I am really wondering is: should I have two bricks per node or just 
one know that per node I only have one HBA controller. So if I have two bricks 
on one node they still would be located on exactly the same controller but on 
two different ZFS volumes.

On Monday, February 23, 2015 2:14 PM, Frank Rothenstein 
<f.rothenst...@bodden-kliniken.de> wrote:

I read your mails but I'm not sure if I fully understand your planned
setup. How many Gluster-Nodes have you planned? How fast will be your
interconnects between them?
I think at first you should test one node itself with all possible
options that ZFS has to offer (like compression or even deduplication
and also the RAIDZ1/2/3-option). Then of course consider your needs -
more capacity vs higher throughput (meaning one or more bricks per
node). And also don't forget the LARC2- and log-options offered by ZFS
to speed up the backend.
And then test the GlusterFS. Adding another dataset/brick is always
possible, so you can easily benchmark your system.
If you stay at the same replica count there should be no loss in size
whether you set up 2 or 4 or 8 bricks (for rep 2), afaik.

I think there is no real advise for your setup, ZFS on Linux is not that
common, to "gluster" it even less...

I hope my english is good enough to let you understand, what i mean ;)

Greetings, Frank

Am Montag, den 23.02.2015, 08:47 +0000 schrieb ML mail:
> Just saw that my post below never got replied and would be very glad if 
> someone, maybe Niels?, could comment on this. Cheers!
> On Saturday, February 7, 2015 10:13 PM, ML mail <mlnos...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Thank you Niels for your input, that definitely makes me more curious... Now 
> let me tell you a bit more about my intended setup. First of all my major 
> difference is that I will not be using XFS but ZFS. Then second major 
> difference I will not be using any hardware RAID card but one single HBA (LSI 
> 3008 chip). My inteded ZFS setup would consist of one ZFS pool per node. This 
> pool will have 3 virtual devices of 12 disks each (6 TB per disk) each using 
> RAIDZ-2 (equivalent to RAID 6) for integrity. This gives me a total of 36 
> disks for a total of 180 TB of raw capacity.
> I will then create one big 180 TB ZFS data set (virtual device, file system 
> or whatever you want to call it) for my GlusterFS brick. Now as mentioned I 
> could also create have two bricks by creating two ZFS data sets of around 90 
> TB each. But as everything is behind the same HBA and same ZFS pool there 
> will not be any gain in performance nor availability from the ZFS side.
> On the other hand, you mention in your mail that having two bricks per node 
> means having two glusterfsd processes running and allows me to handle more 
> clients. Can you tell me more about that? Will I also see any genernal 
> performance gain? For example in terms of MB/s throughput? Also are there 
> maybe any disadvantages of running two bricks on the same node, especially in 
> my case?
> On Saturday, February 7, 2015 10:24 AM, Niels de Vos <nde...@redhat.com> 
> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 06, 2015 at 05:06:38PM +0000, ML mail wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I read in the Gluster Getting Started leaflet
> > (https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/gluster-devel/2014-01/pdf3IS0tQgBE0.pdf)
> > that the max recommended brick size should be 100 TB.
> > 
> > Once my storage server nodes filled up with disks they will have in
> > total 192 TB of storage space, does this mean I should create two
> > bricks per storage server node?
> > 
> > Note here that these two bricks would still be on the same controller
> > so I don't really see the point or advantage of having two 100 TB
> > bricks instead of one single brick of 200 TB per node. But maybe
> > someone can explain the rational here?
> This is based on the recommendation that RHEL has for maximum size of
> XFS filesystems. They might have adjusted the size with more  recent
> releases, though.
> However, having multiple bricks per server can help with other things
> too. Multiple processes (one per brick) could handle more clients at the
> same time. Depending on how you configure your RAID for the bricks, you
> could possibly reduce the performance loss while a RAID-set gets rebuild
> after a disk loss.
> Best practise seems to be to use 12 disks per RAID-set, mostly RAID10 or
> RAID6 is advised.
> HTH,
> Niels 
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