We came across the gluster volume profile link from the gluster.org website 

We are currently running a distributed, replicated gluster volume (16 bricks in 
total, replication between 2 bricks) and we would like to turn on the gluster 
volume profile to collect some I/O statistics about the volume. We have a few 
questions about the profile as follows:

-        Will the system be adversely impacted if we turn on the volume profile 
(i.e. could the profile itself cause the volume to hang and/or increase the 
read/write latency or any other negative effects)?

-        Do the volume profile add any additional logs to the brick and volume 
gluster logs (apart from the screen output of the statistics)? And if yes, can 
you quantify how much additional logging in terms of MB per day will be added?

-        Would you recommend that we leave the profile turned on and running 
for lengthy periods of time (like for several days at a stretch), or is it 
meant to be turned on for only short periods of time?
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