Thanks Saravana, that is starting to make sense. The change_detector was already set to changelog (automatically). I updated it to xsync and the volume successfully replicated to the remote volume, however I then deleted all the data from the master and have not seen those changes replicated yet even after pausing, resuming, stopping and starting the geo-rep session.

I think somehow it prematurely switched to CHANGELOG mode before the initial sync had completed.

We have 6 identical servers across 3 sites. The 2 at site A are one stripe, mirrored to site B, and those 4 servers are all in the same logical network; but we also want the data to be replicated to site C, 1000km away, where our developers can access it read-only.

We chose a Stripe volume to distribute the I/O load and to increase the available capacity for bricks at each site, as each server has only one nVME disk in it.


On 19/10/2015 7:07 pm, Saravanakumar Arumugam wrote:
Hi Wade,

There seems to be some issue in syncing the existing data in the volume using Xsync crawl. ( To give some background: When geo-rep is started it goes to filesystem crawl(Xsync) and sync all the data to slave, and then the session switches to CHANGELOG mode).

We are looking in to this.

Any specific reason to go for Stripe volume? This seems to be not extensively tested with geo-rep.


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