
You seems to be on right track, That is easiest way to replace brick
without any hassle.

Here is the set of steps which I usually follow:

# mkdir -p /bricks/brick1  <--Mountpoint of new brick
# mkdir -p /bricks/brick1/.glusterfs/00/00
# cd  /bricks/brick1/.glusterfs/00/00
# ln -s ../../.. 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001
#  ll should return this:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root <date> <time> 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001
-> ../../..
# get the volume id from the replica pair of failed node
#getfattr -d -m. -e hex /bricks/brick2   ---> replica brick
trusted.glusterfs.volume-id= <volume id>
set the same vol id to new brick
#setfattr -n trusted.glusterfs.volume-id -v <volume id> /bricks/brick1
Verify it
#getfattr -d -m. -e hex /bricks/brick1
If volume is in stop state start the volume:
#gluster volume start VOLNAME
Check #gluster volume status to check new brick came online  and have pid
and portnumber
If brick is not online restart the volume:
#gluster volume stop VOLNAME force
#gluster volume start VOLNAME
Run full self-heal:
#gluster volume heal VOLNAME full
Compare the data from replica brick `/bricks/brick2` to this new brick
`/bricks/brick1`, it should have same data.

Bipin Kunal

On Thu, Nov 5, 2015 at 9:55 PM, Thomas Bätzler <>

> Hi,
> A small update: since nothing else worked, I broke down and changed the
> replacement system's IP and hostname to that of the broken system;
> replaced its UUID with that of the downed machine and probed it back
> into the gluster cluster. Had to restart glusterd several times to make
> the other systems pick up the change.
> I then added the volume-id attr to the new bricks as suggested on
> After
> that I was able to trigger a manual heal. By tomorrow I may have some
> kind of estimate of how long the repair is going to take.
> Bye,
> Thomas
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