
I am running into the following error when trying to enable ganesha on my
system. This seems to be the same message as the one here:

[root@conv-gls002 ~]#  gluster volume set gvol0 ganesha.enable on
volume set: failed: Staging failed on gluster1. Error: One or more
connected clients cannot support the feature being set. These clients need
to be upgraded or disconnected before running this command again

However, I can execute some of the other gluster vol set commands.

Here is the log:
[2015-11-17 13:51:48.629507] E [MSGID: 106289]
[glusterd-syncop.c:1871:gd_sync_task_begin] 0-management: Failed to build
payload for operation 'Volume Set'
[2015-11-17 13:51:56.698145] E [MSGID: 106022]
0-management: One or more clients don't support the required op-version
[2015-11-17 13:51:56.698193] E [MSGID: 106301]
[glusterd-syncop.c:1274:gd_stage_op_phase] 0-management: Staging of
operation 'Volume Set' failed on localhost : One or more connected clients
cannot support the feature being set. These clients need to be upgraded or
disconnected before running this command again
[2015-11-17 13:54:32.759969] E [MSGID: 106022]
0-management: One or more clients don't support the required op-version
[2015-11-17 13:54:32.760017] E [MSGID: 106301]
[glusterd-syncop.c:1274:gd_stage_op_phase] 0-management: Staging of
operation 'Volume Set' failed on localhost : One or more connected clients
cannot support the feature being set. These clients need to be upgraded or
disconnected before running this command again
[2015-11-17 13:55:15.930722] E [MSGID: 106022]
0-management: One or more clients don't support the required op-version
[2015-11-17 13:55:15.930733] E [MSGID: 106301]
[glusterd-syncop.c:1274:gd_stage_op_phase] 0-management: Staging of
operation 'Volume Set' failed on localhost : One or more connected clients
cannot support the feature being set. These clients need to be upgraded or
disconnected before running this command again

The work around seems to upgrade the "clients" to a certain level or
disconnect them. What client is this message referring to? I am running in
a HA mode, and have two glusterfs nodes. Both have gluster at the same
level. (3.7.6). There are no lingering mounts, as far as I can tell.

[root@conv-gls001 glusterfs]# gluster --version
glusterfs 3.7.6 built on Nov  9 2015 15:20:26
Repository revision: git://git.gluster.com/glusterfs.git
Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Gluster Inc. <http://www.gluster.com>
You may redistribute copies of GlusterFS under the terms of the GNU General
Public License.

[root@conv-gls001 ~]# gluster --version
glusterfs 3.7.6 built on Nov  9 2015 15:20:26
Repository revision: git://git.gluster.com/glusterfs.git
Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Gluster Inc. <http://www.gluster.com>
You may redistribute copies of GlusterFS under the terms of the GNU General
Public License.

I would appreciate any help! Thanks!


Surya Ghatty

"This too shall pass"

Surya Ghatty | Software Engineer | IBM Cloud Infrastructure Services
Development | tel: (507) 316-0559 | gha...@us.ibm.com
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