On Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 12:54 PM, Jiffin Tony Thottan <jthot...@redhat.com>

> On 26/04/16 12:22, ABHISHEK PALIWAL wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 12:18 PM, Jiffin Tony Thottan <
> <jthot...@redhat.com>jthot...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> On 26/04/16 12:11, ABHISHEK PALIWAL wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I want to enable ACL support on gluster volume using the kernel NFS ACL
>> support so I have followed below steps after creation of gluster volume:
>> Is there any specific reason to knfs instead of in build gluster nfs
>> server ?
> Yes, because we have other NFS mounted volume as well in system.
> Did u mean to say that knfs is running on each gluster nodes (i mean
> bricks) ?

>> 1. mount -t glusterfs -o acl /tmp/a2
>> 2.       update the /etc/exports file
>> /tmp/a2 10.32.*(rw,acl,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash,fsid=14)
>> 3.       exportfs –ra
>> 4.       gluster volume set c_glusterfs nfs.acl off
>> 5.       gluster volume set c_glusterfs nfs.disable on
>> we have disabled above two options because we are using Kernel NFS ACL
>> support and that is already enabled.
>> on other board mounting it using
>> mount -t nfs -o acl,vers=3 /tmp/e/
>> setfacl -m u:application:rw /tmp/e/usr
>> setfacl: /tmp/e/usr: Operation not supported
>> Can you please check the clients for the hints ?
> What I need to check here?
> can u check /var/log/glusterfs/tmp-a2.log?

There is no failure in server sidein /var/log/glusterfs/tmp-a2.log file but
on the board where I am getting this failure don't running gluster here so
not possible to check /var/log/glusterfs/tmp-a2.log file.

>> and application is the system user like below
>> application:x:102:0::/home/application:/bin/sh
>> I don't why I am getting this failure when I enabled all the acl support
>> in each steps.
>> Please let me know how can I enable this.
>> Regards,
>> Abhishek
>> --
>> Jiffin
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> --
> Regards
> Abhishek Paliwal


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