On 29/06/2016 10:48 PM, Kevin Lemonnier wrote:
Just to add some info on that, I did a fresh install of 3.7.12 here (without 
setting that option)
and I don't have a problem starting the VMs.

I do have a problem the libgfapi though, I can't create VMs with qcow disks (I 
get a timeout)
and I can create VMs with raw disks but when I try to format them with 
mkfs.ext4 they shut down
without any errors.
Maybe it's related ? Are you using qcow ?

Yes, I am

I added the volume as NFS and I'm using that without any problem for now with 
both qwoc and raw, maybe
you could try that, see if at least your VMs can boot that way.

Which NFS server are you using? the std one built into proxmox/debian? how do you handle redundancy?

That did suggest to me trying using the fuse client, which proxmox automatically sets up. I changed my gfgapi storage to shared directory storage pointing to the fuse mount. That is working better, I have several VM's running now and heal info isn't locking up or reporting any issues.

However several other VM's won't start, qemu erros out with: "Could not read qcow2 header: Operation not permitted", which freaked me out till I manually checked the image with qemu-img, which reported it as fine.

Perhaps I need to reboot the cluster again to reset any locks or randomness.

Lindsay Mathieson

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