Agreed… It took me almost 2 years of tweaking and testing to get the 
performance I wanted.   

Different workloads require different configurations.    Test different 
configurations and find what works best for you!

> On Jul 4, 2016, at 2:15 PM, wrote:
> I would highly stress, regardless of whatever solution you choose - make sure 
> you test actual workload performance before going all-in.
> In my testing, performance (esp. iops and latency) decreased as I added 
> bricks and additional nodes.  Since you have many spindles now, I would 
> encourage you to test your workload up to and including the total brick count 
> you ultimately expect.  RAID level and whether it’s md, zfs, or hardware 
> isn’t likely to make as significant of a performance impact as Gluster and 
> its various clients will.  Test failure scenarios and performance 
> characteristics during impairment events thoroughly.  Make sure heals happen 
> as you expect, including final contents of files modified during an 
> impairment.  If you have many small files or directories that will be 
> accessed concurrently, make sure to stress that behavior in your testing.
> Gluster can be great for targeting availability and distribution at low 
> software cost, and I would say as of today at the expense of performance, but 
> as with any scale-out NAS there are limitations and some surprises along the 
> path.
> Good hunting,
> -t
>> On Jul 4, 2016, at 10:44 AM, Gandalf Corvotempesta 
>> <> wrote:
>> 2016-07-04 19:35 GMT+02:00 Russell Purinton <>:
>>> For 3 servers with 12 disks each, I would do Hardware RAID0 (or madam if 
>>> you don’t have a RAID card) of 3 disks.  So four 3-disk RAID0’s per server.
>> 3 servers is just to start. We plan to use 5 server in shorter time
>> and up to 15 on production.
>>> I would set them up as Replica 3 Arbiter 1
>>> server1:/brickA server2:/brickC server3:/brickA
>>> server1:/brickB server2:/brickD server3:/brickB
>>> server2:/brickA server3:/brickC server1:/brickA
>>> server2:/brickB server3:/brickD server1:/brickB
>>> server3:/brickA server1:/brickC server2:/brickA
>>> server3:/brickB server1:/brickD server2:/brickB
>>> The benefit of this is that you can lose an entire server node (12 disks) 
>>> and all of your data is still accessible.   And you get the same space as 
>>> if they were all in a RAID10.
>>> If you lose any disk, the entire 3 disk brick will need to be healed from 
>>> the replica.   I have 20GbE on each server so it doesn’t take long.   It 
>>> copied 20TB in about 18 hours once.
>> So, any disk failure would me at least 6TB to be recovered via
>> network. This mean an high network utilization and as long gluster
>> doesn't have a dedicated network for replica,
>> this can slow down client access.
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