Dear All,

I'm new to glusterfs, it would be much appreciated if someone can
explain glusterfs Distributed-Replicated setup.

If i have 2 node each with 3 physical disk inside,  each physical disk size
is 1 TB,  i want to create replica of 2, may i know the command below
correct ?

gluster volume create test-volume replica 2
node1:/exp1/brick1 node2:/exp2/brick2
node1:/exp1/brick3 node2:/exp2/brick4
node1:/exp1/brick5 node2:/exp2/brick6

below is what i expecting :

   - usable space is 3 TB
   - replica 3TB
   - node1:/exp1/brick1 is replicated with node2:/exp2/brick2
   - node1:/exp1/brick3 is replicated with node2:/exp2/brick4
   - node1:/exp1/brick5  is replicated with node2:/exp2/brick6
   - expect to local self-mounts ( with client connect ) either from node 1
   or node 2

 Is my above expectation valid ? using Gluster 3.8.

between according to this side (, it emphasize "This
distribution and replication would be used when your clients are external
to the cluster, not local self-mounts."

Appreciate for any advice/guide.

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