Why are you using one server gluster? NFS is a perfect solution for this.
You should not delete files directly from bricks.
Can you umount/mount from client and see same error?
3.5 is very old, you should use 3.7+

On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 12:35 PM, Berkay Unal <berkayu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a strange issue and any help would be appreciated much.
> Here is my setup. Servers are ubuntu 14.04 and i am using the repo
> ppa:gluster/glusterfs-3.5 for the gluster server.
> Server A (Gluster): I am using Gluster server with no replication so it is
> more like (GlusterFS Single Server NFS Style). Files are located under
> /gluster-storage/
> Server B (Client) I have a web server that needs shared storage. The Gluster
> Server is mounted to /storage-pool/site/
> The mounted volume on the client is used by CMS. So it is a shared storage
> for multi CMS web servers. The current setup was working with no problem
> until today. When i try to list the files on the client for the folder
> /storage-pool/site/content i got the following error.
> "ls: cannot open directory .: No such file or directory"
> The ls was working with no problem until now.
> When i delete some files from this folder on the Server A(Gluster server) ls
> starts to work again. If i create the same files again on the server client
> ls has the problem again.
> So if some files exists in that folder ls is broken and i am getting
> Input/Output error.
> Hope i could explain the problem. Are there any recommendations
> Any help would be appreciated much. Thanks
> --
> Berkay
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