Replicas are defined in the order bricks are listed in the volume create command. So gluster volume create myvol replica 2 server1:/data/brick1 server2:/data/brick1 server3:/data/brick1 server4:/data/brick1 will replicate between server1 and server2 and replicate between server3 and server4.

See also

On 11/08/2016 03:28 PM, Lopez, Dan-Joe wrote:

Hello All,

I’d like to automate a gluster replica cluster in a way that allows me to later add single servers on the fly. I can’t seem to understand from the docs how I might achieve this. It seems logical that a replica cluster needs to have at least 2 servers initially, but thereafter, I see no reason that I shouldn’t be able to add a single server to the cluster. From what I have read, it seems that the number of servers I add in the future needs to match the number of servers that I started with.

e.g. replica 1 doesn’t really make sense, and isn’t allowed, but if I start with replica n; I must always add n servers at a time to the volume, I can’t just add one server to have an n+1 replica…

If anyone could point me in the right direction here, I’d really appreciate it.

Dan-Joe Lopez

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