Actually SSHFS works very well in a single user situation.

We have seen similar performance to NFS with it and of course it tunnels through firewalls a lot more easily, so its been our go to when live migrating among clusters, especially as we have a mix of shared storage and direct storage depending upon the need of the devs who use the various systems.

That being said, if NFS is already there, then yes, a simple mount is easier than yum install fuse-ssh and then:

sshfs -o allow_other,compression=no $user@$remote_host:$remote_folder $mnt_folder


I just checked and on our older Gluster boxes, still on 3.4.

NFS is turned off, perhaps deliberately by the tech who installed it.

On the newer versions, I was under the impression that NFS was deprecated in favor of Ganesha?

Is that turned on by default?


On 1/19/2017 1:02 AM, Kevin Lemonnier wrote:
In a pinch you can use SSHFS for temp shared storage for a storage
migration, and avoid the NFS setup.
GlusterFS comes with an NFS export by default, so there really isn't any
setup to do that, jut a simple mount -t nfs. It's even simpler than sshfs,
and I'm pretty sure the VM will work a lot better during the live migration
using nfs than sshfs :)

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